NuPIA is transversal network activity meant to reinforce the partnership of nuclear infrastructures and institutions with industry and promote the use of nuclear physics infrasctructures by industrial researchers.
NuPIA is link between innovation officers of the institutions, research groups in various groups ENSAR2 (European Nuclear Science and Applications Research - 2) WPs and industry.
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ENSAR2: a European project for Nuclear Physics
ENSAR2 (project number: 654002) is the integrating activity for European nuclear scientists who are performing research in three of these major subfields defined by NuPECC: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions and Applications of Nuclear Science.
It proposes an optimised ensemble of Networking (NAs), Joint Research (JRAs) and Transnational Access Activities (TAs), which will ensure qualitative and quantitative improvement of the access provided by the current ten infrastructures (GANIL-SPIRAL2 (F), joint LNL-LNS (I), CERN-ISOLDE (CH), JYFL (FI), ALTO (F), GSI (D), KVI-CART (NL), NLC (PL), IFIN-HH/ELI-NP (RO) and the theoretical physics facility: ECT* (I)), which are at the core of this project.
ENSAR2 Partners
Our community of nuclear scientists makes great effort to pursue excellent scientific programmes at these infrastructures and to apply state-of-the-art developments to other fields and to benefit humanity (e.g., archaeology, medical imaging). These activities ensure a high-level socio-economic impact.
To enhance the access to these facilities, the community has defined a number of JRAs dealing with novel and innovative technologies to improve the operation of the facilities. The NAs of ENSAR2 have been set-up with specific actions to strengthen the communities coherence around certain research topics and to ensure a broad dissemination of results and stimulate multidisciplinary, application-oriented research and innovation at the Research Infrastructures.
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